March 3rd, 2024:

Important Correction:
Adoptees Should Use Their CURRENT Passport Number for the “Petition for Adoption Information Disclosure” Form.

We are VERY sorry, because we posted incorrect information earlier.

When Korean Adoptees fill out the “Petition for Adoption Information Disclosure” FORM, which is often used by Korean Adoption Agencies and by NCRC for Birth Family Search, a Korean Adoptee should use their CURRENT / WESTERN PASSPORT NUMBER.

We apologize for any confusion.

Please see an example of the “Petition for Adoption Information Disclosure” FORM below. Please note this is just a cropped example of this form.

Please contact your relevant Korean Adoption Agency and / or NCRC for the relevant birth family search forms, as these will vary slightly per agency.

Please see
Birth Family Search Tips for ALL Korean Adoptees if you were adopted through the following KOREAN Adoption Agencies:


-Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS)

-Social Welfare Society (SWS) / now Korea Welfare Society (KWS)


If you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee ONLY, please see the “Illustrated Step By Step” Guide on the
Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search page.

The relevant Korean Law is below:

Chat GPT English Translation:

Article 29 of the Special Adoption Act Enforcement Rules (Adoption Information Disclosure Request Form) shall be submitted to the Child Rights Protection Agency (NCRC) or the head of the adoption agency with the following documents attached to the Adoption Information Disclosure Request Form (Form No. 16 attached). However, if the request for disclosure of adoption information is made verbally, the following documents must be submitted and directly communicated to the personnel of the Child Rights Protection Agency or the adoption agency. [Revised on July 16, 2019]

  1. A copy of documents proving that the person was adopted. However, if the applicant presents identification (such as resident registration card, passport, alien registration card, or other proof of identity) to the personnel of the Child Rights Protection Agency (NCRC) or the adoption agency confirming that they were adopted at the time of requesting the disclosure of adoption information, it is not required to be submitted.

  2. Documents proving special reasons such as medical purposes according to Article 36, Paragraph 3 of the Act.


Original Korean:

입양특례법 시행규칙

제29조(입양정보 공개청구서)
제36조제1항 제14조제1항에 따라 입양정보의 공개를 청구하려는 사람은 별지 제16호서식의 입양정보 공개청구서에 다음 각 호의 서류를 첨부하여 아동권리보장원 또는 입양기관의 장에게 제출하여야 한다. 다만, 말로 입양정보의 공개를 청구하려는 경우에는 다음 각 호의 서류를 제출하고 아동권리보장원 또는 입양기관의 담당자에게 직접 말해야 한다. <개정 2019. 7. 16.>

1. 입양된 사람임을 증명할 수 있는 서류의 사본. 다만, 청구인이 입양정보의 공개를 청구할 때 아동권리보장원 또는 입양기관의 직원에게 신분증(주민등록증, 여권, 외국인등록증 등 청구인의 신분을 확인할 수 있는 증명서를 말한다)을 제시하여 입양된 사람임이 확인된 경우에는 제출하지 아니한다.

2. 제36조제3항에 따른 의료상 목적 등 특별한 사유가 있음을 증명하는 서류
