*While this website is mostly geared toward Adoptees who were adopted through the Korean Adoption Agency Korea Social Service (KSS), there is also information here which is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, regardless of their Korean Adoption Agency. Please read carefully to note what info. is purely relevant to KSS Adoptees and what is generally relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees. This page is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees.
1962 Korean Passport Law:
Passport Act Enforcement Rules(Enforced into force on May 4, 1962)
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ordinance No. 28, enacted on May 4, 1962)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Passport Division)
Please note we have alternated the original Korean text with our ChatGPT Translation below. We have BOLDED relevant information:
Passport Act Enforcement Rules
[Enforced into force on May 4, 1962] [Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ordinance No. 28, enacted on May 4, 1962]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Passport Division ) , 02-2002-0133
Article 1 (Format of application, etc.) Passport issuance application form, official passport issuance pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, Paragraph 1, Item 1, Article 2, Paragraph 2, Item 1, and Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Passport Act Enforcement Decree (hereinafter referred to as the 以下令) The application form and application for issuance of diplomatic passport are in the attached Form No. 1 <% omitted: Format 1%>, and the application for change of information pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Decree are in the attached Form No. 2 <% omitted: Format 2%>. Each must be written separately.
Article 2 (Financial Guarantee, etc.) ① The supporting documents confirming and guaranteeing the purpose of travel and the necessary expenses from the destination country pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Decree must contain the following information and be notarized by a notary public. do. However, documents prepared by a foreigner in the Republic of Korea must be confirmed by the consul in the Republic of Korea in the country to which the foreigner belongs.
1. Relationship between the guarantor and the guaranteed or the reason for the guarantee
2. Expression of intention to pay travel expenses, including the insured person's stay expenses, in the legal currency of the country concerned.
② If you pay only part of the travel expenses from the destination country or travel at your own expense, you must submit a foreign exchange purchase permit issued by the government to the passport issuing authority.
Article 3 (Proof of official travel) Documents proving official travel under Article 2, Paragraph 2, Item 4 of the Decree must be documents proving that the travel has been permitted pursuant to Article 3 of the Regulations on Overseas Business Trips for Public Officials.
Article 4 (Eligibility for issuance of a diplomatic passport) Pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 2 of the Decree, the following persons are deemed to need issuance of a diplomatic passport in light of their travel purpose and status.
1. President
2. Chairman of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction
3. Vice Chairman of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction
4. Head of Cabinet
5. Chief Justice
6. Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction
7. Supreme member of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction
8. Head of National Reconstruction Movement Headquarters
9. Director of Central Intelligence Agency
10. Chairman of the Inspection Committee
11. Director Shim Gye-won
12. Each member and persons receiving equivalent treatment.
13. Chief of Staff of each service
14. Attendants, spouses, and immediate dependents of the person falling under any of the preceding items.
Article 5 (Extension of Validity Period) Pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the Decree, the persons who can extend the validity period of their passport for up to two years at a time are as follows:
1. Overseas student
2. A person residing in a foreign country for the purpose of permanent residence as an overseas Korean
3. Those who left the country as immigrants
4. A person who married a foreigner and left the country
5. A person who was adopted by a foreigner and left the country
*Paperslip Note: This is of course a reference to Korean Adoptees.
Article 6 (Issuance of a *certificate in lieu of a passport) The passport issuance authority may issue a certificate in lieu of a passport to any of the following persons in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Passport Act.
*Paperslip Note: This is almost certainly referring to the “Travel Certificates” which many Korean Adoptees were issued by the Korean government between 1965-1974 (and beyond).
1. Overseas Koreans returning to Korea for the purpose of permanent residence
2. Stateless person leaving the country
*Paperslip Note: This is almost certainly referring to Korean Adoptees.
3. Persons deemed particularly necessary by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Supplementary Provisions <Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ordinance No. 28, May 4, 1962>
This ordinance comes into effect from the date of promulgation.
[시행 1962. 5. 4.] [외무부령 제28호, 1962. 5. 4., 제정]
외교부(여권과), 02-2002-0133
제1조 (신청서등의 서식) 여권법시행령(以下 令이라 한다) 제1조제1항제1호, 동 제2조제2항제1호 및 동 제3조제3항의 규정에 의한 여권발급신청서, 관용여권발급신청서 및 외교관여권발급신청서는 별지 제1호서식에<%생략:서식1%> 의하여 영 제5조제1호의 규정에 의한 기재사항변경신청서는 별지 제2호서식에<%생략:서식2%> 의하여 각각 작성하여야 한다.
제2조 (재정보증서등) ①영 제1조제1항제4호의 규정에 의한 행선국으로부터의 여행목적 및 이에 필요한 비용을 확인 및 보증하는 증빙서류에는 다음 각호의 사항을 기재하고 공증인의 공증을 받아야 한다. 단, 대한민국내에 있는 외국인이 작성한 서류는 그 외국인이 속하는 국가의 대한민국주재영사의 확인을 받아야 한다.
1. 보증자와 피보증자의 관계 또는 보증의 이유
2. 피보증자의 체류비용을 포함하는 소요여비를 당해국의 법화로 부담한다는 뜻의 의사표시
②행선국으로부터 여비의 일부만을 부담하거나 자비로 여행하는 경우에는 정부에서 발행하는 외환매입허가서를 여권발급권자에게 제출하여야 한다.
제3조 (공무여행의 증명) 영 제2조제2항제4호의 규정에 의한 공무여행을 증명하는 서류는 공무원해외출장규정 제3조의 규정에 의하여 여행이 허가되었음을 증명하는 서류이어야 한다.
제4조 (외교관여권의 발급대상) 영 제3조제2항의 규정에 의하여 그 여행목적과 신분에 비추어 외교관여권의 발급이 필요하다고 인정되는 자는 다음과 같다.
1. 대통령
2. 국가재건최고회의의장
3. 국가재건최고회의부의장
4. 내각수반
5. 대법원장
6. 국가재건최고회의분과위원장
7. 국가재건최고회의최고위원
8. 재건국민운동본부장
9. 중앙정보부장
10. 감찰위원회위원장
11. 심계원원장
12. 각원 및 이에 준하는 대우를 받는 자.
13. 각군참모총장
14. 전 각호의 1에 해당하는 자의 수행원, 배우자 및 직계부양가족
제5조 (유효기간의 연장) 영 제6조제1항 단서의 규정에 의하여 여권의 유효기간의 연장을 1회에 2년까지로 할 수 있는 자는 다음 각호와 같다.
1. 해외유학생
2. 재외국민으로서 영주할 목적으로 외국에 체류하는 자
3. 이민으로 출국한 자
4. 외국인과 결혼하여 출국한 자
5. 외국인에게 입양하여 출국한 자
제6조 (여권에 갈음하는 증명서의 발급) 여권발급권자는 다음 각호의 1에 해당하는 자에 대하여는 여권법 제10조의 규정에 의하여 여권에 갈음하는 증명서를 발급할 수 있다.
1. 영주할 목적으로 귀국하는 재외국민
2. 출국하는 무국적자
3. 외무부장관이 특히 필요하다고 인정하는 자
본영은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.