
Please note that we are not formal researchers. We are simply KSS Adoptees who have a vested interest in educating ourselves and other Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees about KSS’ history, past practices, and current procedures for Birth Family Search.

We do not represent KSS nor any of its Partner Western Adoption Agencies: International Social Service (ISS), Welcome House / Pearl S. Buck Foundation - (Pennsylvania, US), Lutheran Social Services (LSS) - (Minnesota, US), Wereldkinderen - (Netherlands), Adoption Center (AC) / AC Børnehjælp, DanAdopt, and Danish International Adoption (DIA) - (Denmark), Terre des Hommes - (Switzerland), Love The Children (LTC) - (Pennsylvania, US), or Family / Foreign Adoption Consultants (FAC) / F&CS Foster Care and Adoption Service - (Michigan, US).

All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is based on informal volunteer research. We try our best to provide accurate information, but we consider our knowledge about past and current KSS procedure an investigative work in progress. Because much of KSS past practice is kept secret from Adoptees, we do our best to provide the information we have gleaned from our own and other Adoptees’ cases. We always welcome feedback and suggestions for how to improve the site.

Suggestions? Ideas? Please contact us.