2024 / 2025 Structural Changes to NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child).
*While this website is mostly geared toward Adoptees who were adopted through the Korean Adoption Agency Korea Social Service (KSS), there is also information here which is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, regardless of their Korean Adoption Agency. This page is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees.
2024 / 2025 Structural Changes to NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child) - Part 2.
February 1, 2024:
A summary of what’s going on:
Changes are happening in the world of Korean Adoption which are NOT good for Adoptees seeking to access their adoption files and conduct a birth family search.
Basically the SAL (Special Adoption Law) was revised last year (2023). Starting around July 2025, all adoption agency adoption files are supposed to be transferred to the Korean government - specifically to NCRC (The National Center for the Rights of the Child).
Korea currently has an arch conservative government, and the Korean government has never been on the side of Adoptees gaining access to their files.
NCRC has never been particularly strong - it's packed with ex-adoption agency officials - and NCRC deals with ALL children's issues in Korea, not just those issues related to Overseas Adoption. So recently a new Board was created composed mainly of those who are against Adoptees' Right to Origin - such as Adoption Agencies, MPAK (Mission To Promote Adoption of Kids), militant Korean domestic adopters, etc. GOAL is the only organization that represents adoptees on the board, and many feel that GOAL in recent times has not always acted in the best interest of Adoptees.
So it's likely that this new board will control what files NCRC allows us as adoptees to see. This is really bad news as NCRC already has just 2 Birth Family Search workers for ALL adoptees around the world.
NCRC is reportedly NOT AT ALL ready to handle a massive influx of paper adoption files, and we predict that the file transfer may be an organizational mess.
(*IMPORTANT NOTE FOR KSS ADOPTEES ONLY: If you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee ONLY, please see this page: URGENT Info. for KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees. The news on this page makes it all the more important for KSS Adoptees to read this link.
*Please NOTE that KSS was the SMALLEST of the 4 major Korean Adoption Agencies. If you were adopted through HOLT, Eastern, KWS (Korea Welfare Society) formerly SWS (Social Welfare Society), then you are NOT a KSS Adoptee. Please do NOT contact KSS if you are NOT a KSS Adoptee. If you were adopted to Canada, Australia, France, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Italy, or the UK, then you are NOT a KSS Adoptee).
Below are two articles about the recent structural changes happening at the NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child). For those who aren’t familiar with NCRC, it is the Korean government organization which has just 2 dedicated birth family search workers for ALL Korean Adoptees around the world. NCRC chronically has too little staff to deal with the many issues faced by Korean Adoptees in birth family search, and this is deliberate on the part of the Korean government.
The NCRC will be taking possession of all adoption documents from Korean Adoption Agencies beginning in 2025. As a result of this, the Korean government has put into place a board above NCRC which is composed of representatives of Korean Adoption Agencies and adoption related organizations, almost none of which have at their heart the best interest of Korean Adoptees in terms of Right to Origin. The only organization on this new board which in any way represents the best interests in terms of Right to Origin is GOAL. Put simply, it will become harder for Korean Adoptees going forward to access their adoption files.
ChatGPT English Translation:
Please note: The Child Rights Guarantee Institute = NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child)
"Innovating Organizational Management System for Strengthening Implementation of National Child Policies at the Child Rights Guarantee Institute (NCRC)”
The Child Rights Guarantee Institute (Director Jeong Ik-jung, hereinafter referred to as the Institute) announced a reorganization effective February 1, 2024, to enhance the effectiveness of government policies and improve institutional management efficiency. This restructuring aims to proactively respond to changes in domestic and international environments, enhance operational efficiency for policy implementation, and strengthen coordination between various projects through strategic reallocation of personnel.
As part of this reorganization, the "Child Policy Evaluation Center" has been expanded and reorganized into the Child Welfare Headquarters, reinforcing its comprehensive planning, coordination, and oversight functions for child welfare policies. Additionally, anticipating the upcoming reforms to the public adoption system, efforts have been made to establish a seamless implementation system and facilitate the landing of new domestic and international adoption procedures that comply with international standards. The previously temporary "Adoption System Improvement Task Force" has been elevated to a regular organization to focus on adoption-related tasks.
Furthermore, a new department called the "Capacity Development Division" has been established to concentrate on enhancing the capabilities of child welfare practitioners through the integration of education for practitioners in various projects. The restructuring of the Development Support Division and other organizational functions aims to enhance interdepartmental coordination.
In line with the organizational restructuring, efforts have been made to strengthen internal capabilities and expertise by introducing an internal job posting system for the first time. This transparent and fair process is expected to confirm the competencies of employees, provide opportunities for challenges, and serve as a platform for discovering exceptional talents.
Director Jeong Ik-jung of the Child Rights Guarantee Institute stated, "Through various organizational changes such as restructuring and the introduction of an internal job posting system, we aim to establish an efficient management system and proactively respond to the evolving child policy environment. With the reorganized structure as a foundation, we will strive to create a society where every child can lead a happy life, emphasizing our role as a central institution for child policies."
ChatGPT English Translation:
Child Rights Protection Center
Please note: Child Rights Protection Center = NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child)
[Provided by the Child Rights Protection Center]
(Seoul=Yonhap News) Reporter Oh Jin-song
The Child Rights Protection Center announced on the 1st that it has elevated the 'Adoption System Improvement Task Force' to a regular organization ahead of the upcoming public adoption system reform, which strengthens national responsibility from next year.
In order to strengthen the overall planning and coordination functions of child welfare policies and improve organizational management efficiency, the Center underwent restructuring on this day. Firstly, the existing 'Child Policy Evaluation Center' was expanded and reorganized into the 'Child Policy Headquarters,' strengthening its overall planning and coordination functions for child welfare policies.
Furthermore, the Center revealed its plan to prioritize adoption-related tasks by elevating the previously operated 'Adoption System Improvement Task Force' from a temporary organization to a regular organization, aiming to facilitate the landing of new domestic and international adoption procedures. Since the passage of the 'Special Law on Domestic Adoption' amendment, the 'Law on International Adoption,' and the amendment to the 'Child Welfare Law' in the main session of the National Assembly in June of last year, the system has shifted from private adoption agencies leading adoption tasks to a system where the government takes responsibility and manages and supervises adoption.
In particular, the Child Rights Protection Center has taken on the responsibility of managing adoption records and disclosing adoption-related information. The Center will take over the approximately 250,000 records held by private adoption agencies and child welfare facilities, and in the future, adoptive parents can request information from the Center.
The Center also announced plans to establish a 'Capacity Development Department' to focus on strengthening the skills of practitioners in the field of child welfare. Additionally, to enhance organizational capacity and expertise, they introduced an open recruitment system to provide opportunities for talent discovery.
Jung Ik-jung, the director of the Child Rights Protection Center, stated, "Based on the restructured organization, we will strive to make progress as a central agency for child policies, ensuring that every child can contribute to creating a happy society."
Email: dindong@yna.co.kr
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Copyright(c) Yonhap News.
2024 / 2025 Structural Changes to NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child) - Part 1.
January 30, 2024:
Below is the first article about the recent structural changes happening at the NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child). For those who aren’t familiar with NCRC, it is the Korean government organization which has just 2 dedicated birth family search workers for ALL Korean Adoptees around the world. NCRC chronically has too little staff to deal with the many issues faced by Korean Adoptees in birth family search, and this is deliberate on the part of the Korean government.
The NCRC will be taking possession of all adoption documents from Korean Adoption Agencies beginning in 2025. As a result of this, the Korean government has put into place a board above NCRC which is composed of representatives of Korean Adoption Agencies and adoption related organizations, almost none of which have at their heart the best interest of Korean Adoptees in terms of Right to Origin. The only organization on this new board which in any way represents the best interests in terms of Right to Origin is GOAL. Put simply, it will become harder for Korean Adoptees going forward to access their adoption files.
Here is a news article about the NEW "Adoption System Reform Consultative Body":
There is not much information here. We think the major takeaway is that things are changing fast in Korea regarding management of our adoption files, and not for the better.
Translation via ChatGPT:
The Ministry of Health and Welfare Holds First Meeting of Adoption System Reform Consultative Body... Detailed Plan to be Developed by the End of the Year
Release Time: 2024-01-26
Inter-agency discussion ahead of the implementation of the new adoption system next year
2023 World Korean Adoption Conference (IKAA)
[Yonhap News Agency Photo]
(Seoul=Yonhap News) Reporter Seoho Sung =
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that it has formed an inter-agency consultative body for the reform of the adoption system and held the first meeting on the 26th.
The Adoption System Reform Consultative Body was established to prepare in advance for the implementation of the amendment to the 'Special Act on Domestic Adoption' and the enactment of the 'Law on International Adoption' scheduled for next year.
These laws contain provisions to strengthen the responsibilities of the nation and local governments regarding adoption.
The consultative body, chaired by the Director of Population Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, includes relevant ministries such as the Court Administration Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, local governments, related agencies, experts, and adoption organizations.
Changes in the performing entities by procedure before and after the adoption system is reformed in July 2025:
See GRAPHIC in original article
[Provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare]
During the first meeting held on this day, the consultative body shared the contents and direction of the adoption system reform and discussed the operational plan.
The consultative body plans to hold practical subcommittee meetings 1-2 times a month and hold comprehensive meetings to review subcommittee discussions every quarter. It is scheduled to develop detailed implementation plans for the adoption system reform within this year.
Hyun Soo-yeop, the Director of Population and Children's Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, stated, "We plan to ratify the Hague Convention on International Adoption in accordance with the effective date of the law. We will comply with the procedures for domestic and international adoption stipulated by the convention and plan to formulate measures to activate domestic adoption in accordance with the principle of prioritizing domestic adoption."
The Hague Convention is a multilateral treaty adopted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law in 1993 and enforced in 1995 to regulate the procedures and requirements for international adoption to protect the human rights of children moving between countries and prevent abduction and trafficking. Although South Korea signed the convention in 2013, due to disagreements over the roles and responsibilities of relevant agencies, the ratification of the convention could not be achieved.
When the adoption system is reformed next year with the enforcement of the law, the decision and protection of adoptive children will be carried out by local governments, and key procedures such as the qualification assessment and family connection for prospective adoptive parents will be deliberated and decided by the Adoption Policy Committee at the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
The introduction of the temporary custody decision system by the Family Court and government post-adoption services to assist mutual adaptation for at least one year after adoption will also be provided.
All adoption records management and information disclosure related to adoption will be centralized and managed by the *Children's Rights Guarantee Institute (*Note: This means NCRC - the National Center for the Rights of the Child).
Changes in the performing entities by procedure before and after the adoption system is reformed in July 2025.
See GRAPHIC in original article
[Provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare]