Links To Information Relevant To ALL Korean Adoptees.

Included on this page are links to pages on Paperslip which are relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, no matter what their Korean Adoption Agency.

We offer
FREE birth family search assistance to Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees ONLY. We apologize, but we simply have neither the expertise nor resources to individually advise NON-KSS Adoptees ONE ON ONE for free. Our expertise is MAINLY related to Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees.

If you are
NOT a KSS Adoptee, and wish to consult with us one on one, we have to charge for our time. Please see:

NEW! Advisory Sessions - Free for KSS Adoptees | Paid for Non-KSS Adoptees

HOWEVER, the ENTIRE PURPOSE of this website is to provide
FREE SELF-SERVE information to both Korea Social Service Adoptees AND Korean Adoptees IN GENERAL. We hope that this information helps you!

Below is information and links we think are
MOST relevant to Korean Adoptees IN GENERAL. Please note that this is NOT a list of the MOST relevant links for Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees, though there is certainly overlap.

We encourage you to also EXPLORE the REST of this website as we have
NOT linked ALL PAGES that may be of use to you below.

Korea Social Service (KSS) ONLY are strongly encouraged to contact us at for FREE advice and assistance regarding birth family search. Contacting us BEFORE you contact KSS for birth family search could save you YEARS of WASTED TIME!



Something very IMPORTANT to understand is that there were
4 MAJOR Korean Adoption Agencies designated by the Korean Government in 1976 to process Korean children for International Adoption. They were:

1.) HOLT Korea (not to be confused with Holt International, which is the Western Holt Adoption Agency)

2.) Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS)

3.) Social Welfare Society (SWS) / now Korea Welfare Society (KWS)
*Please note that some International Social Service (ISS) and Child Placement Services (CPS) files are now at KWS.

4.) Korea Social Service (KSS)
*Please note that some 1960s International Social Service (ISS) files are now at KSS.

Each Major KOREAN Adoption Agency worked with a network of several Western Adoption Agencies.

Different Korean Adoption Agencies worked with different Western Adoption Agencies in different countries over time.

*Please note that there were a bevy of other adoption organizations in Korea prior to 1976, but it was a bit more like the Wild West pre-1976.

Korean Adoptees often struggle to figure out what their Korean and Western Adoption Agency names were. Figuring out your Korean and Western Adoption Agency names is often the starting point for birth family search in terms of paperwork.

Links To Information Most Relevant To ALL Korean Adoptees.

*Please Note: For Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees, this ENTIRE website is geared mainly towards YOU. For birth family search info for Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees ONLY, please visit:
Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search
KSS Adoptees are encouraged to reach out to us for FREE birth family assistance BEFORE contacting KSS. Email us at:

Below are links to some of the
MOST relevant pages on Paperslip which pertain to ALL Korean Adoptees, no matter which Korean Adoption Agency they were adopted through. Please be sure to EXPLORE the rest of our site as NOT ALL relevant links are included here, just the MOST IMPORTANT ones:

Korean Adoptee Starter Guide

Figure Out Your KOREAN Adoption Agency NOW BEFORE It Is Too Late

Contact Info For The 4 Major Korean Adoption Agencies + Adoptee Facebook Groups

URGENT: The Movement of Korean Adoption Files To NCRC Starting July 2025

DNA Testing

FREE FOIA Request For US Adoptees

Pro-Active  Birth Family Search Tips for KSS (Korea Social Service) and ALL Korean Adoptees

Birth Family Search Tips For ALL Korean Adoptees (Regardless of Their Korean / Western Adoption Agency)

Birth Family Search Cocktail For ALL Korean Adoptees

NEW! How To Use Your Original Korean Passport or Travel Certificate Number For Birth Family Search

Korea's Evolving Travel Document System

Orphanization Part II

NEW! Advisory Sessions - Free for KSS Adoptees | Paid for Non-KSS Adoptees